“My name is Mark Groaning and I am most noted for my whimsical paintings on antique windows…I also paint on canvas, wood and metal, handcraft jewelry using all manner of media, melt and fuse glass, weld steel sculptures and generally express myself as the Universe moves me to do so.
“The materials I use differ from one project to the next, yet the style of my work shines through. The art I create is a reflection of my personality and accumulated experiences. My mind is always on and if I am not making art, I am thinking of making it. I am a whirlwind of ideas and choose to express those ideas with upbeat, energetic, bold, bright, happy colors and themes.
“People I converse with, that dog walking by, a cat lazing in the sun, an empty cup of coffee, bombastic bouquets of blossoms, fractured abstracts, cobalt blue skies with puffy white clouds, beach homes scattered at the oceans edge…all that is which comes into contact or interacts with that which I am, inspires me. The happy, the sad, the positive and negative, everything in the past and up until this very moment is responsible for making me the artist I am today. I consume and merge with everything that I experience, eventually forging the recurring significant memories into whatever type art form it wishes to manifest.
“What I see and experience enters through my senses, swirls around inside my head, stimulates my imagination and eventually emerges from my hands through a near endless variety of tools, techniques, trial and error/success and a wide variety of media.
“I have a lot of emotions, concepts, feelings and ideas that I am driven to express and just one type of media does not fully grasp all the things I have to say.
“During the process of creative expression I often start out in one direction and during the course of action…I am driven to another destination entirely.
“The moment is there to be expressed and I create as the Spirit moves me.”